Although our season has been turned on its head – we ride on!

– by Peter Disera

Photo: Andy Vathis

Season Disruption

In these challenging and unprecedented times, it is important to find the silver lining, however thin it may be.

Quinton and I had spent countless hours in the saddle in preparation for this season. Both of us had made improvements and gains physically, mentally and technically preparing us to dive into the race season. Needless to say, with Tokyo 2020 on the horizon and having already hit qualification criteria in 2019 I was excited, more motivated than ever and ready to give this season my all.

During this new normal, Quinton and I are enjoying being home with our family. Typically, the international racing calendar pulls us away from home and loved ones for dozens of weeks a year. The silver lining is more time spent at home and more time to focus on training and development.

Thank you to all of our sponsors and fans throughout this time for your ongoing support!

Photo: Andy Vathis

Our new normal:


Quinton and I have adjusted our training programs with the help of our coaches to focus on long term development and building base fitness. That means: lots and lots of time in the saddle!


At best a small 2020 season will take place in September through late fall. The focus will be on the World Cup circuit and World Championships. However, the UCI and international federations will not proceed with any events until all countries have recovered and are able to participate.


As per the IOC’s statement, the Tokyo 2020 Olympics have been officially postponed. Tokyo 202One, as they are phasing it, is slated for the summer of 2021. It has yet to be seen how the Canadian cycling federation will update the selection criteria for the games. I will continue to work towards this goal.

Next Steps:

I have exciting news to share. Upon graduating from the Ontario Veterinary College, my partner Nicola Wenn has taken a job on Vancouver Island. We will be moving to Victoria within the next few weeks. Although this will split up Disera Racing, the opportunities that Victoria brings for longer riding seasons and more diverse, challenging terrain are positive. I look forward to the opportunity to have Quinton out to our new place and to train together whenever possible.

Photo: Nicola Wenn